august had days so ghastly bright
i had to walk around all day so blind
but a man in a beach bonnet
never has serious business
but to watch the flashlight
spirits of ghost crabs
or wash in the brown brine
of that violent ocean
and pretend to be
the oldest man who will float under or away
like the guiltiest german
and under the white snarl
of the august sun
we find problems
very bothersome problems
who is it
hiding in the corner of the pool
doing keystands underwater?
why does the disney scion
have a picture of his wife
naked and spread open
as the background on his iphone?
sherlock holmes stayed up all night
smoking a mountain of shaggy hash
to solve the case
and those nights were blacker
watching for hounds of baskerville
try to go to sleep or go surfing
unsolvable cases each
just end up on the beach again
puking dunkin donuts
standing so tenderly
weeping motherly tears
watching the sea gulls look embarrassed
while they peck at my vomit
then some golden days
id climb the wooden stairs
that overlook the beach
and see the dear hearts
of tiny friends and tiny family
underneath those circus umbrellas
they say hello!
id blow the glorious kisses
and then fall down the stairs
everyone claps and says

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