A.) a child who wears the hapless fleece (whom for the sake of brevity will be referred to as ‘the hapless fleece’, but is not, as unaware speculation might chance to presume, the wooly covering of a sheep or goat, nor is the personnage a soft and warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep’s wool)
B.) a severe inquisitor (who remains unsmiling)
[set beneath: the echoes and light that played in the domed basilican roof of the library]
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"Provide the surname and forename the subject concerned."
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“State the age of the subject.”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“Between 30 and 80 years hold to his name and person.”
(a severe inquisitor grows yet more unsmiling)
QUERIED a severe inquisitor:
"In what areas of academic expertise and experience, was the subject possessing knowledge?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
"Philosophy, History, Literature, Art, Cognitive Science, Egyptology, Classical Music, Mathematics, Classics and Antiquity, Epistemologies, Etymologies, Forestry, Law, Modern and Ancient Languages, Astronomy, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology, Bioluminescense, Culinary Arts, Numismatics."
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"What demeanor would an observer find to be most freqently expressed in the subject’s countenance?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
"Thoughtfulness, Solemnity, Gravity, Ponderousness."
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"Could the subject ever have been said to have executed 'a ponderous dance'?
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“In what sublunary localitys was the subject most frequently to be found?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“The cobblestone streets, the quiet libraries, the upper-deck of the double decker busses, the dimly lit restaurants, amongst the clouds of chalk dust, on the paths of the botanical gardens.
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"When embarking on a walk through the gardens, what accompanied the subject?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
"A large felt hat, a mahogany pipe, a cane on which rested the carved head of a duck, a beard, a careful gait, lofty meditations."
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“In which cerebral localities was the subject always found?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“The most noble territories of the mind.”
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“What was the subject’s highest ambition while in childhood?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“To grind an organ in a crowded square accompanied by a White-headed Capuchin monkey performing acrobatic tricks.”
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"Of what quantity numbered the subject's pupils?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
"More than would blacken the sky."
(a severe inquisitor darkens with rage)
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"Were classes held in the sky?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“With what degree of respect and reverence did his pupils and colleagues regard him?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“The utmost.”
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“What cognomen was bestowed upon the subject by the pupils?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“What was the subject’s most preferred piece of music?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“Edvard Krieg’s “In der Halle des Bergkönigs” or “In the Hall of the Mountain King.”
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
“With what decorative awards, medals, laurels had the subject been bestowed?”
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
“The Master’s Award for the Outstanding Academic Achievement Aware, the Academic Pro-Rector’s Excellence Award, The Best Dissertation Award, Dean’s List, High Honors, The Purple Heart, The Innovative Small Business Award, The Wolf Prize in Agriculture, The Iron Cross, the Bruce Medal (awarded by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Mr. Universe, Miss America, the Hubbard Medal (awarded by the National Geographic Society), the Comstock Prize in Physics, a Prince Nez awarded by an Australian Magnate, The Rabbi Martin Katzenstein Award, Orange Ribbon in Regional Bridge Tournament, The Lawrence of Arabia Badge, the Gold Award (Girl Scouts of the USA), a Badge of Recognition for Those Who Have Saved the Queen of England from Drowning in Ale, Le Legion d’honneur, L’Ordre National du Merite, L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, L’Ordre des Jambon et Fromage, the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, Hero of the Russian Federation, Employee of the Month (Burger King), Community of Christ International Peace Award, Caird Medal.”
QUERIED the severe inquisitor:
"How did the subject dine?"
QUOTH the hapless fleece:
(a smile is faintly perceptible)
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