A forest made of hair
An undergrowth so dense
No hound can bay through it
or ,
The kids giggle quietly
But you cant see them;
They snuggle in shadows
But their eyes hold milk
That drips amid the trees,
That, you can see.
Their bodies’ sheen
Like the oiliness of a magpie;
They flit through the forest
Like droves of magpies
Of magpies,
I was once told:
1 for despair
2 for joy
3 for a girl
4 for a boy
5 for silver
6 for gold
7 seven for a secret never to be told
Secrets and truths
Wan and green
Buried like sunken forests,
Their forms fan out in the tide
Until little baby darkness
Collapses in pieces
Pierced by light
So terrible
I don’t care to think of it,
Face crusted over with sleep;
No crown rends my dull brow
All thorns are dulled by quiet
And God lay there:
With the white languor of a woman
Expecting neutral company
Or guests that would hover
And say nothing, but smile
And look upwards
God was covered in petals;
The roses and violets of horror
But smiled as if nothing was wrong
These days
Which we forever think about
These days
No forest remains
But a beach:
Licked and sucked by the ocean
The beach like a set of feeble gums
To suck and slurp at the ocean;
The beach like a sick mouth
Hanging open, yawning
The kids crashed together
Gnashed their teeth
Burning in garish light
Lolling in the frothing foam
Of that dissolving strand
Smashing one another
Like a fool banging symbols
God sat alone in the dunes
Smiling; his legs crossed
And back bent:
He might be watching
The kids rolling in the sea
But it might only be
Oil shining on a puddle
And if the kids
Hurt so deeply
Why did God smile
When they ran to him
Out of the sea
Up the shore
Little paws held up
With their bird’s confusion
And absurd sorrow?
He didn’t understand
Or didn’t care to think of it,
He just smiled
with eyes like stained glass
The kids ran on the beach
And God raised his head
Slowly and ponderously
Like a great dog
Watching the distant interest
Drift across those sands
God rose and followed them
The sands slid from beneath him
God stumbled and staggered
When he reached the kids
They were squatting
In the carrion sand
Their faces to the dirt
They dug the sand
Until brine began
Pooling in the hole
it made a sound like
The kids raised their faces to God,
To say: "Nothing gets out alive"
Breathing a chaos stronger than creation,
Their faces true bone carvings of hatred
They held shovels in their hands
And held roses in their teeth
They beat him until he was dead
And dragged his body to where
The waves lipped the shore
I don’t care about any of it
I cant be bothered at all
Today I wont wake up
All parts of me flowing away
Draped in slithering silks
I am marvelously pomp
Will I work today?
No, I will only smoke
The moonlight sifted down complacently
God’s body lay in the lapping tide
Years passed and it sank into the sand
There are barks of thunder
And invisible gasping clouds
Surely it is a time for umbrellas
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