Rough versions of parts 5-8 from 'prayer rugs'


Was it hard on a fellow?

Dam sho

I walked in the night

skipping stones and

Cursing old dynasties

I sat in the movie theater

without a snack

One day

I punched a toddler

who was riding I

beanflipped him

And stole his tricycle

Rode for miles

Stopped and sat

Beneath the linden

Dam sho I did

trace tombstones in

Spaghetti Sauce

I sang my father’s songs

And drove a truck

Into an


I saw my father in the dirt

Like a head rolling in the desert

I heard him say

“well that’s that

sorry I had to

leave you so soon”

I looked at the old pictures I wore my father’s boots I

Didn’t vote either way

come election time

well I voted for

The cliffs

The wine

The chimes

I walked all over town and into the woods

And the whole time everybody crying out

Woe! Woe!

Ya’ look like death Jamie you look like a

Stork of the setting sun why don’t ya

Take yaself home now son heres a

Gown of mourning sorry bout ya pops

and they draped me in this black dress

lookin thing

I failed all the classes brooding and

Was always wearing that stupid dress and

The hood came over my face like

The reaper’s does all you can hear is

White noise like on the radio

And I didn’t even have a car I didn’t

Have shit I quit everything

My three souls drifted my

Seven souls departed


I walked to the hardware store

Wearing my mourning gown

To buy a crowbar cuz a good

Crowbar or a cats paw is always good

Just to have around it’s a good thing but

On my way out I bumped shoulders

With a guy who was comin in while I

Was goin out we bumped one another

And he turned around and cast me

With the cruelest gaze and said

Fuck Your Soul

I’s like, ‘scuse me?'

but my voice was like

someone talking to themselves

in the frozen foods aisle

and that guy ran away and vanished

I was left standing there with

Spilt bag of nails

Fallen crowbar

Stolen snickers bar

Then I thought, “That’s right, fuck my soul

Fuck it to green and eternal infernos

Fuck it to whimpering hogs

Fuck it on out of here

I don’t need that thing

I took my soul out and lobbed it up like

A whiffleball found in the weeds and I

Smacked my soul on out of the park I

Saw it sail away and vanished in the sky a few

People looked up and saw it twinkling one of them clapped but

The rest just shook their heads and I thought I could hear them thinking about it in their one thousands voices in their one thousands minds like

'O that boy just ousted his soul

I remembered old days

Did I smoke then?

No I only drove

Like I was just

Asleep in the car,

He hit it right on out of here

Where do those things go anyway?'

Then they all went on their way

I stood outside the hardware store like

the wooden Indian but

I had no drum to beat and no heart to listen its like

I go out the door and through the woods and find

A world that cant talk anymore its covered in frost

Waiting outside the store I was when I was

Visited by the first of the angels that I know

And it was noisy it was a big harley rolled

Up into the lot

a man in houndstooth pants who appeared

And he said to unto me, “Hey buddy you lookin sorry”

So I saw fit to explain

“well sir this guy just said Fuck Your Soul

To me just because I bumped into him and at first

I was like what the hell man shut up I don’t even know u

but then I thought what the

Hey yeah hes right fuck my soul its causin me more

Trouble than the damn thing is worth I don’t want it

I am mad and blue I have but one mission and that

Is to kill my Uncle Bob the Bad Horseman


You would not know him he grazes in burning pastures

And scorns the gaze of men unless they’re bringing him

Take-out psh sir you don’t want to know this dude

And the houndstooth pants man had hisself a hearty

Fucking laugh and said unto me

“fuck ya soul?”



“Hey sonny if thats whats got you so mopey

you aint gonna make it too far in this world its

not a thing worth feathering up your wings bout

Just a thing Bulgarian people say sort of like how

We say ‘fack you ya cahksucka’

Don’t take it to heart, mmm young buddy you”

the man in the houndstooth pants I

asked him his name and he said son

I am Wino Willie I run with the

Boozefighter Mountain Gang

I know it is a stupid

Name but I don’t give a flying shit if

You think its stupid why don’t you

Sit on this

And he brandished

A fist

Then he went in the store

Theres no telling what he bought

He might not even have

Bought anything at all

I looked at his motorcycle in the lot


That hog

like death on a bicycle

like cat in dog pajamas

That hog like jesus h Christ

And it made me feel much better just

To gaze at the hog resting in the lot

I walked on and ate

my snickers bar and thought bout what

the man with the houndstooths said,

"Ha ha hey hey that’s right

That other man didn’t mean


Hes just a Bulgarian with customs and such

Its just like

this old world

This old world that didn’t mean to make my life

Like a shoe that is stepping in dog shit

Every durn step it goes and

This old world didn’t mean to give me such

A raking over those coals it knows not what it does

This durn old world with its ponds and echoes eh

So hey why don’t I forgive it I’ll go get an ice cream

Haha fudge Sunday day of the lord day of resurrection

I am essentially an ice cream cone today right out the freezer


I was merry then I was jocund I was a lord at that time

It didn’t last too long

for I was

A lad whose only faith was in nebulas

Floating out of reach,

indefinite space rock

Yes that’s right, a volunteer in the empty field

a died in the wool straw-hat man of woe I left home

feeling like i'd said it all too many times but

Before I left for good

I went up to ma who smoked in the easy chair and said hey

‘Ma I don’t feel at home in this world never have

never will goodbye fare the well bon voyage ma mama”

my little sister was dirty in the back yard while the

trees were starting to lose their leaves I was

taking my leave


Then I went down the road

Gone behind the 7-11

to cut my hand deep

And light a candle for my vow;

My sad heart wrote in the sky with a pencil

my heart wrote

“Florida, Uncle Bob,

by all saints of shit and terror,

I will get you I swear it”

-Signed Jamie”

I felt my hand pumping out blood

I watched my oath vanish in the stars

Didn’t feel much better but I

Walked to the freight yard

I waited under the bridge

And hummed like a kazoo

And waited like there was no

Time at all or like I was at war

Like desert storm war is only

Waiting and fucking with time

Because when the shit goes down

Time feels just as fucked up as

When you’re sitting in the desert

Knapsack and nannies under bridge,

The supplies and the lonesome


When the time came I

Jumped in the box car


Late in the night I saw

The light of venus and

The sky like sharp coral


Dangled my feet ho ho

But riding trains is boring

When you don’t have a head

For scenery and I’ll tell ya

At that point in the game

Nature just pissed me off

I looked at it going by and

The first thing I wanted to

Do is go wooow then I say

Ya right cant I think of

Something better to say

About that mountain no

No I cant so I hate that shit

I just turn my head away

And write my diary on the walls:

“Headin to Selkirk that’s

A big ass yard I hear but

I aint scared of the bulls

They aint got dogs

Maybe mirrors and

Guns but no dogs”

dangled my feet

“Massachusetts is much

Swampier than most people imagine”

I watch it go by like an old dog

Running out of bones to chew


ran out of cigs;

seriously the pits


got tired of hiding

dangled my feet

Didn’t give a damn who saw

I’m riding the freight and

Bobbing like a cork and

here is what I knew then:

It is miserable to be poor

It is miserable to be rich

It is miserable to be middle class

To stay in one place,

To have a family

To have a life might

As well watch the virago

In the nursing home so

I’m journeying deep,

Guardian of the clouds

I have a mandate to kill

And I have the mandate

To hate everything the

Mountain will bow to me

Ill tie up the lakes and give em

The concrete shoes I’ll toss em

In the ocean laughing at midnight

then I’ll shoot myself in the face


Somebody called the cops

around Deerfield


Shit on my soul I didn’t

Even make New York state line


cops pulled me right off my ride

swarmed me like the bible oops

I sat in the squadcar I dirtied it up

Curse you fuzz I was

Moses Going down but my

People will have to wait

You’re the pharaohs

And ya got me you ratshit

The cops said boy

We aint pharaoh

We got kids we

Carry loaves home

And look to the sky

Just same as you

And besides what

Gives you the right

To say you get to

Go down like Moses

Psh I said stop asking

Questions you already know

Whatever the fuck I say is

Heavier on the scales than the truth and I spit on you

I’ll deflower your graves one day you nightstick jerkies

Then I showed them my fist and cried ‘woe’

The cops looked at each other like I was sassin

They just laughed windless laughs like


I hate the back seat

Of cop cars they feel

Like a tonka truck

Plastic and weird and only suitable for a kid

who doesn’t know what the hell is going on

I said fuck you you

Are pharaoh and they

Said well hhhhaaaaa

Then go down moses


But you fucked it all up

Damn you police I am a

Wingnut and I can show

You heads and shoulders

But not one on top of

The other


The cops threw me in the cooler

It was freezing it was me and a

Spanish guy who never stopped

Crying he prayed to the lord above

He smashed his head on the floor

I imagined his mother I said

Brother it’ll be alright you

Just done yourself a little sin

You will be forgiven you will

Live to leave the cooler and

See the light of the venus star

The colorful shawls and the

Kids riding on in the yard

He didn’t listen to me

So we sat in he wept

I thought to myself

hell fuck your soul you

Weeping Spaniard

At least you give a shit

Enough to cry while you

Locked up, as for me I

Sit like a piece of corkwood

Even the maggots have ditched me

I am dried up on the beach

Give me fluorescent or

Give me black I don’t give a shit

I could wait in jail

Forever I should pull a

Shenanigan of crimes

So that I can stay forever

Orange is my color dam sho

And if it werent for the Uncle Bob

That it is my directive to slay I

Would stay in here forever because

Its just scenery that matches my mind

Dude didn’t say nothing to that

I waited and chewed a toothpick

The weeping Spaniard I used

As an ottoman

I thought of the letters I would write

I considered freezing temperatures and

Planes where the sun comes down like iron,

All those places a fellow goes

The Cop said through the bars to me

“Wheres your family live at”

I said Florida

The cop said alright well we

Cant have you sittin in here

Eatin up our food

Usin our tax dollars

After all you are a

Small fry criminal

We might have to

Sent you down there




HAHAHAHAHA I said now you

Fuckers you give me a free

Ride right on down to where

I’m headin to that I can

X some O’s

Spill some blood

Dot some Is

Kill Uncle Bob

I was ready to kill rubbing

My hands together and shit like

In the cell I dreamed about all

The different types of people

That I hated

I said fuck you yuppy

Fuck you redneck

Fuck you business guy

Fuck you sassy lady

Fuck you concerned dad then I sobbed and the Spaniard echoed my sob

Fuck you wholesome girl I aint goin to no Sarah Lawrence

Fuck you hippy no I hate you the most

Fuck you new york dude I broke your smart phone

Fuck you new age wiener I lit your wife on fire with that candle

Fuck you bluegrass guy you’re a fake

Fuck you boring folk whatever

Fuck you punks you’re 30 years late

Fuck you cops fuck you fuck you fuck you

Fuck you lawyers everyone knows you’re evil

Fuck you protesters you’re all idiots and lazy

Fuck you junkies get a job

Fuck you linguists get a life

Fuck you workers get an education

Fuck you mafia let me in

Fuck you MS 13 gangs are for jail only

Fuck you mothers save it for the womb

Fuck you blue bloods nobody gives a shit about you anymore

Fuck you outraged citizens just give it a rest

There were many more but I thought i

Would move on to other business so

I crossed my legs and began a push up

I waltzed with the blues and the blacks

I pooped in the toilet while the Spaniard

Watched me and kept on with his crying

I scratched a graffiti

Wait a minute

God dammit this sucks I

Hate the cooler

I never gonna find religion or

Read an abridged book and

Change my name to X

The cop came in and said

Well guess what young moses

You got yourself a visitor and

I should have been pleased but

I knew it was pretty much just

Gonna suck

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