you go to heaven once
you've been through hell
then you go back to hell again
survival expeditions
you know theres a damn tiger
somewhere out there
it'll get the dew dryer first
beasts, you know
they're not problem when
you got the dew dryer out in front
the guys sitting around
jungle campfire in hell
they all tell stories
"the bunyip lives in the swamp
makes noises like a crying baby
then when you go out to save it
the bunyip drags you down"
"i got lost in the snow and
heard howling i thought it
was the wind but it was the
windigo, stinking like death"
"saturn eating his children"
the explorers in hell stood up
dancing backwards round the fire
banging the drum wearing the mask
everyone knows theres nothing
underneath it and isnt that a shame
because that shit is goddam awful
the dew dryer,
they send him ahead
to bend down the branches
going down there and
bending the branches
eating the berries
the dew dryer waiting under the palms
waiting to go back to heaven looking
up and thinking
"dog constellations
pissin me off"
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