lets get slimed and remember
when everything was extreme

a neon childhood and beyond

its all in the IMPACT letters
on the little purple football

with the aerodynamic tail

and the whistles on it

so it goes wailing

until we snag it

"fuck yeah"

jagged, my man


but things change,
there are:

chicks i know,
sent from my blackberry mobile device
with glittery shit and weed
with pretty fingers and stickers

i probably gave .5 shits when

she got drunk and tripped on her high heels

when she feels like the coast is clear she says to me,
"id like to die a few times, so i could see what everyone does
and then i'd come right back and forgive them or send them to hell"

i'm bored to good heavens with our grim reap

i'll go do something else

i'll go do keg stands underwater

but you already told me with tears in your eyes
the story of your tender and tragic field trip

"when i was a little girl we went on a field trip to boston
i bought some fake blood pellets from a joke shit store

and took them all

i lay on the Commons pretending to be dead"

i'm going to go wear baggy pants and eat cadbury eggs
i'm mad as shit and i'm trapped on facebook

well go on now and let me have it

i deserve some staples in my face too:

"ugh, jamie's in his room with some feelings again"

"oh man, jamie's still trying to figure out how socks work"

"ya, jamie's going to the louvre and making an italian tourist
take a picture of him giving the mona lisa the finger."

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