when mom caught him
wearing the rags,
hangin with monks
he caught a hell of a beating

mom pulled her hair
back with her hands
and said "why cant you just
ask for my credit card

so that you can go
puke in atlantic city
puke in a taxi cab

why wont a mommy
ever understand,

satan looks like jesus
and vice versa like how
when you wear all white
after you're in it a few days
you start to look like hell
but when you wear black
you look cleaner longer

and you know what
i read in the bible,
it say that

The rest of mankind that were not killed
by these plagues still did not repent
of the work of their hands;
they did not stop worshiping demons,
and idols of gold, silver, bronze,
stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

bring me the locusts i drink them in a cup
when i'm done i slap the bowl on my head
to block out the light shining from heaven,
none of you ever tried to see in the dark

but you girl you live down there and that is why
i am fond of you

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